Hand built in the U.S.A for the past thirty eight years, the woody has stood the test of time. The ultimate board for learning the basics, the Woody will slide long distances along the shoreline while letting you bash small waves. The Russian birch core will take anything you throw at it, and the hand laid art guarantees each board to be one of a kind.
XS 30 – 70 lbs 36.7″ X 16″
S 70 – 110 lbs 39″ X 17″
M 110 – 150 lbs 41.3″ X 18″
L 150 – 180 lbs 43.8″ X 19″
XL 180 – 210 lbs 46.5″ X 20.2″
(size, suggested weight, board dimensions)
Core Material: Hardwood
Core Thickness: 3/8″
Resin: Polyester
Rails: Soft/Boxy
Shape: Rounded Pin
Rocker: Low for longer slide
Finish: Hand painted art finish with gloss